Frank Fritz, beloved star of the History Channel’s celebrated show American Pickers, has tragically passed away at the age of 60. His long-time co-host and the show’s creator, Mike Wolfe, shared the sorrowful news through a heartfelt message on his Facebook page, revealing that Fritz died on Monday. Wolfe poignantly expressed his grief, noting that he had known Fritz for over half of his life. “Frank was a dreamer, with a heart as tender as his humor was sharp,” Wolfe wrote, offering a glimpse into the unique spirit of his departed friend.
Wolfe continued to reflect on the man behind the camera, stating, “Frank was exactly the same off-screen as he was on—genuine, effortlessly connecting with people simply by being himself.” He spoke fondly of their time spent together, reminiscing about the countless journeys they embarked upon, remarking that it was a blessing to have been by Fritz’s side as he embarked on his final journey.
While CNN has reached out to Fritz’s management team for further comment, no official cause of death has been confirmed. His passing follows a stroke he suffered two years prior, a health battle Wolfe disclosed on Instagram at the time.
Fritz’s legacy in television is firmly tied to his work on American Pickers, where, alongside Wolfe, he scoured the United States in search of hidden treasures—antiques that they would lovingly restore and sell. The show, which first aired in 2010, quickly gained a loyal following, propelled by the duo’s passion for history and their dynamic partnership.
In a statement shared with CNN by a representative for the History Channel and Cineflix Productions, which produces American Pickers, the team expressed their deep sorrow: “We are heartbroken to announce that our dear friend and cherished member of both the History Channel and the American Pickers family, Frank Fritz, passed away on September 30, 2024. Frank spent over a decade sharing his enthusiasm for the hunt for vintage motorcycles and unique collectibles.”
The statement continued, remembering Fritz as “the bearded charmer,” whose unwavering quest for rare motorcycles and bicycles was one of the show’s hallmarks. “Our thoughts are with Frank’s family and friends during this profoundly difficult time. His absence will be deeply felt by all who knew and loved him.”
Fritz’s departure leaves a lasting impact on both the antique-collecting world and the viewers who found joy in his every discovery, his every mile traveled, and the warmth he brought to each episode.