Tuesday, September 10Watch Arkansas News Journal Today

Giving Tuesday Impact: Arkansas Nonprofits Rally for Community Welfare

Little Rock, Arkansas — This Tuesday, communities across the state of Arkansas are extending support to some of their favorite non-profit organizations as part of this year’s Giving Tuesday. Celebrated on November 28, Giving Tuesday encourages people to come together and share acts of kindness or donations to support communities and causes.

One notable participant this year is the Arkansas Foodbank, a facility that has provided over 40 million pounds of food to combat food insecurity in Arkansas. Participating in 33 counties statewide, the Foodbank stands as the largest food distribution center in the region.

Ebony Michel, the Director of Operations, highlights the significant impact of monetary and food donations, noting that as little as $1 can contribute to preparing five meals. The Foodbank plays a crucial role in addressing hunger-related challenges and supporting communities in need throughout the state.